King’s Cup Lunch – 2019

In years of past the King’s Cup Lunch was Queensland’s premiere rowing get-together and is this year re-launching with approx. 200 people expected to attend.

This is a fundraising event, where all proceeds will go via the Kings Cup Supporters Association QLD to directly support the development of Men’s Senior Rowing to the highest level in Queensland.

Goals this year include rowing at Royal Henley Regatta as this is the 100th anniversary of Australian Infantry Forces winning the race for the first time following WWI and bringing home what would become the “Kings Cup”. (See here, here and here for historical information).

We will be announcing other strategies and initiatives at the event!

Attendance is facilitated via “Table Captains” each organising “Tables of VIII” to attend. Any questions? Please talk to one of the following organising leaders of the Luncheon event:

  • Gary Merritt – 0437 655 017
  • Chris Beech – 0411 699 622
  • Ray Ebert – 0412 576 460

Click here to download the PDF flyer.

Click here to download the Place Mat (per images below):

Payments are made by each Table Captain (no individual direct payments) to the following:

  • Account:  The Kings Cup Support Group Bank of Queensland
  • BSB: 124-003
  • Acct No: 14099821